Sunday, June 30, 2013

Second Home Visit

On Friday, June 21st we had our second home study visit! It was much shorter this time. Alicia was probably only there for 30 minutes maybe. Once again, I cleaned the house from top to bottom and she didn't leave the living room. :) I know that one of these days I will clean the house for a good reason!!!

We have also scheduled 2 of the 4 classes that Todd has to make up and those are both in July. We are hoping to be finished with everything and have our license by August or September. We are so excited to be moving along in the process!!

We are still looking for another house to rent. We thought we had found one but that might not work out after all. We are still waiting to hear more about that. Prayers that we will be able to find something with plenty of space for our soon to be growing family at a price that fits into our budget would be greatly appreciated!

We also would appreciate all your prayers that we will get through the licensing process quickly!

We will keep you posted on any updates!!!


Sunday, June 9, 2013

First Home Visit

     Well we are happy to say that we have started our home study process!! We had our first meeting with our home study assessor, Alicia, on Wednesday, May 29th. Luckily Todd was able to make it home, literally, just in time! He arrived about 5 minutes before Alicia did. But we were glad he was able to make it! That's one less thing he has to make up later.
     We were really nervous going into the meeting. We really weren't sure what to expect. I spent the entire week prior deep cleaning the house! We also changed our office into the nursery the weekend before. That was an adventure!! Todd managed to break our desk. (mental eye roll!) Other then that, the transformation was pretty much smooth sailing and now we have a nursery! Anyways, after all that hard work, of course, she didn't leave the living room!! We just sat there and answered 2 1/2 hours worth of questions! It was very invasive and personal. As much as I love talking, I HATE talking about myself!!! But I made it through. Todd lucked out big time. She asked me all the questions first so he had a chance to think about his answers ahead of time. We have scheduled our next home study visit for June 21st which will be the safety check.
     We are really excited to be moving forward and making progress in the adoption process!!! Thanks for all the prayers so far and as always, continued prayers are always welcome and greatly appreciated!!! We will keep you all posted about the next meeting!!
