Hard to believe it's been three months already! On our one year wedding anniversary, I remember saying that I couldn't believe it had already been a year, but at the same time, it felt like it had been forever! This feels the same. I keep finding myself saying things like, "a few months ago when Owen did (whatever it was)..." Then I stop and realize that it's only been a few months so it couldn't have been that long ago. It feels like we have had him for so long, then something like that snaps me back to reality.
Even though it's only been such a short time, we have been filling it up with lots of memories for our little family! We have been making lots of new friends, going to lots of fun places such as Acres of Fun in Wooster, spending lots of time with family, especially Grammy (my mom), and trying to spend as much time relaxing at home as possible!
We have seen huge improvement in Owen's behavior and development in these three short months! His foster parents used to let him get away with everything. They had hardly any rules for him at all, they hadn't really started the learning process for him, and they didn't teach him any manners. Now he is completely different. He knows the rules of our house and does a pretty good job of following them, as well as a two year old can do. He is learning tons of new things every day! I have his name up on the wall in his room and every night before bed I point to the letters and say each one then he copies me. So, because of that, the last few weeks he has been recognizing the letter "O." He has been saying "Thank you" when we give him something. Then immediately afterwards he says "welcome" since that's what we say. :) When he hears someone sneeze he says "bless you." He is trying lots of new foods! His favorite new food is beets! He has recently started putting sentences together, too. He says the cutest things just out of no where.
He is just so cute! He melts my heart! Every day I thank God for him numerous times! I just can't get over how blessed I am to call him my son! I still get emotional when I think about it. It's hard to believe that just a few short months ago, we were still heart broken every time we didn't get chosen for a placement, or a placement that we were chosen for fell through. Or that just a few years ago, we were going through the heart break of infertility. It feels like just yesterday that we were going through all that pain. However, it was so worth it! I'm so thankful that God didn't allow me to get pregnant and that we didn't get chosen for all those other kids. He already had Owen picked out for us. He already knew that this would be the end of this part of our journey. He already knows who the next child is that we will have join our family, too, for that matter. It was hard going through the pain of waiting and wondering why, but I wouldn't trade all those days of heart ache, knowing that Owen was the end result! I can't imagine my life without him in it. I still can't fathom how I can love someone so much, either. I thought I already knew what it was like to love someone with my whole heart. I thought I loved Todd like that. Don't get me wrong, I love Todd so much! But it's just different. I can't explain it. But I know that it's the same way that God loves us, all of his children. Maybe that's why he enables us to feel this way for our children, so that we know how much he loves us. I would die to save Owen from anything. Jesus did the same for us. I have always known these things and have been a Christian for as long as I can remember, but I understand what Jesus did for us in a completely different way now.
Anyways, I'm loving being a mom! I love my son so much! Only three more months to go before he is officially Owen Grady Fisher!!!