Tuesday, November 6, 2012

Different Path...

Well, first of all, we wanted to thank all of you who supported us by attending our spaghetti dinner fundraiser or sending a donation! We really appreciate all of you! You should have all received a thank you card in the mail! It was such a blessing to have so many of you come to show your love and support! For those of you who couldn't attend, we really appreciate all of your thoughts and prayers!

Now for the update...as we've said before, we have been praying about this journey for quite a long time now. It's funny how, when you think you know what God is telling you to do and what path to take and you start making the preparations for that, sometimes He reveals a different road He wants to lead you down. Well that's what happened to us. We thought God was leading us towards private adoption but the more we keep praying about it, the more we feel that He wants us to look into public adoption. I have been in contact with Summit County Children Services and we are scheduled to start their training classes for their foster-to-adopt program on Wednesday the 14th of November. This is going to take us double the time that it would take most people because Todd has to make up all the Monday and Wednesday classes on Saturdays during the next session which starts in January. I've also contacted the Christian Children's Home of Ohio about their adoption program but I'm still waiting to hear back from someone. I've found that it takes at least a few days for someone to call you back usually because they are so busy! What I love most about the Children's Home is that, along with a foster-to-adopt program, they have a plain old adoption program. If you go through the county, you must foster first as far as I understand.

We are still keeping the door open to private adoption just in case that's where we end up after all, but right now it's on hold. The nice thing is that all the steps we have to go through to adopt, whether public or private, are the same. If we take these steps through the county first, they will transfer over to the private agency we would be using and will save us a little bit of money. We would really appreciate all your prayers in trying to descern where God is leading us! Some how I thought adoption would be less emotionally draining then dealing with infertility, but I was wrong! I don't know which is worse. I'll admit it...I'm a control freak! I have no control over any of this adoption stuff and that's very hard for me! Yet another area of my life that God is trying to teach me to give to over to Him! Add this to the list of other crap we have going on in our lives right now and I'm feeling very out of control and it's making me even more emotional then I usually am. (Sorry honey!!) :) I know God is in control, but it's hard for me to let go 100% and trust that He knows what's best! I would really appreciate all the prayers I can get for my emotions while we wait for God's perfect timing!

God Bless!

1 comment:

  1. Megan, I have emailed you. Would love to hear how your adoption journey is going. you had filled a request on my adoption blog a few months ago.. Hope to hear from you soon. ~Alisha
