Thursday, November 7, 2013


The last post was called "WOO HOO." It should have been called "Almost WOO HOO" lol. We had both the safety audit and the fire inspection of our new home done on Oct 28th. During that time we were told that Todd had one more class to make up that was some how over looked. The class was offered that Thursday, the 31st. Todd talked to his dispatcher and he said he would try but there wasn't a lot he could do. The next time the class was offered wasn't until the middle of December. We were both really upset, not at Todd's dispatcher or CCHO really, just at the situation. We were both feeling very out of control at this point. We thought everything was going along great and then we were hit with this speed bump in the road. Todd got to the office on Wednesday to pick up his paper work for his new load which was to deliver in Iowa on Thursday evening. Everyone in the office could tell just by looking at Todd that he was very upset about having to wait even longer to make up the class. A little while after he left, his dispatcher called and told him to turn around and go back home. Apparently, the owner of the company, Tim, had seen Todd when he was in the office. When Todd left, Tim came out and asked the dispatcher what was wrong so he filled him in. Tim called the company that Todd was supposed to deliver to and made arrangements so that Todd could deliver at noon on Friday instead. He understands that this is the only way we can have kids and he is willing to do whatever it takes to help us! That's a lot more then we can say for the company Todd was working for in the spring of this year! We love working for this company!!! God truly blessed us with it and we have both agreed that Todd will be working there for a very long time! So, Todd made it to his class that Thursday evening! While Todd was at class he was informed that we needed to change something about the house. In the nursery, there is a big window frame, but no glass. If you look over it, you will see the stairs. This was a safety issue so we had to put in a piece of plexiglass. However, it couldn't go all the way to the top of the window sill, because then it wouldn't have any "fresh air ventilation" in that room...all these rules! (This was installed yesterday!) Right after class was over at 9 pm, he left and drove all night long to get to Iowa by noon on Friday.

So everything got turned into CCHO for review on Monday of this week. Again, we thought everything was good to go but we were wrong. We had to fill out a new financial statement because Todd makes more money now and since we moved, our rent and all our utilities changed. We had to have more of Todd's pay stubs and more utility bills because more time has past now. Also, we had to show proof that we have changed the address on our renters' insurance policy and have another reference form filled out from one of Todd's past supervisors. Thank goodness he was still in touch with her on Facebook! I delivered the last of the paperwork to CCHO this morning for final review. As long as I don't get another call before the end of the day today telling me that we need something else, our home study report and all our paperwork will be turned into the state today!!! So now we are just waiting for our license to come in!! They call this the "third trimester" of adoption...the waiting process.

More good news, we are all settled into our home now! I still need to unpack the office and the craft closet and take everything from the garage to the attic. Otherwise, we are all unpacked, pictures are hung, and decorations are put up. The kitties are all settled in at feel at home now. They have been running around like crazy playing with each other and their toys! Oscar's favorite place to lay is on the back of our new recliner and Izzy's favorite place to lay in on the steps going to the upstairs. They love looking outside to see what is making all these noises they never got to hear when we lived in the city!

Please pray that all the paper work will get passed through the state smoothly and quickly and that we will have our license in a week or two! Also, please pray for our patience as we wait for the license to come in and as we wait for the call telling us they have kiddos for us!!

Thanks everyone!!


1 comment:

  1. Megan, this is such wonderful news!! Been praying for you and will continue to pray. I am glad things are falling into place, even with a few hiccups, you're still rolling on. Definitely looking forward to more updates. I love reading your blog!
