Saturday, February 16, 2013

Yesterdays Meeting...

So we met with Rhonda at the CCH yesterday afternoon. The meeting went so well!! She said they don't get very many moms that come in to make an adoption plan, but they do on occasion so that could be a possibility. She is going to get us approved for adoption and at the same time we are going to get qualified for foster-to-adopt. When we looked into Summit County for foster-to-adopt, there was a minimum age range of 0-5 years that we had to be ready for (buying beds for the different ages, etc), and they were kind of rude. We just didn't feel that Summit County was a right fit for us, which is why we were sort of glad that we weren't able to take the classes through them last year. For CCH, there is no minimum age range that we are obligated to choose. We can select the age range that we are comfortable with and when they receive a child that fits what we are looking for, they will call us. Of course, the greater age range we are able to accept, the more quickly we will get a call.

On our way home we talked about what we were both comfortable with and we decided that we would be willing to accept sibling groups, up to 2 children, no older then 4 years old. That way we have a greater chance of getting called sooner, but they are still young. We can also request that one of the siblings is still an infant. So maybe we will be going from 0 to 2 kids in the same year...that would be exciting! :)

Since we might be taking on more then one child, we are looking for a bigger place! We only have 2 bedrooms right now, which is ok, but if we can get moved before we have to do the home study, that would be better. Otherwise, there are parts of the home study we would have to repeat. We would like to have at least 3 bedrooms and a dining room, so we can all eat together as a family, instead of on the couch in front of the boob tube. We are looking in Wooster (preferably), but we are open to Orrville, Smithville, or Dalton as well. Please let us know if you know of anything that would fit our needs!!

We will be starting our pre-service classes in march, then we will move on to the home study. We both feel that this is where God wants us to be right now. We are continuing to pray for his guidance through this whole process and that he will lead us to the child or children he has already chosen for us! Your continued prayers are always appreciated too!

Todd and Megan

1 comment:

  1. So excited for you two. May God grant the desires of your heart (Psalm 27:4-5). May His will be done.
