Tuesday, January 28, 2014

A surprise in the mail!!!!

     Things are a buzz this week in the Fisher household as we prepare for the arrival of our son, Owen. This past weekend I was home and we were able to install video baby monitors in Owen's room, as well as the other bedroom. So we are now officially ready for Owen.
     Yesterday we got a call from the county that Owen is from and the case worker explained how things would progress through this process. During our meeting this coming Monday we will go over everything that children's services knows about our son. It will be audio recorded so we can have a copy of that to take with us.Then we will sign paper work to commit to the adoption. The case worker said that she is going to try to arrange for us to meet him some time on Monday, but she needs to get that approved first.
     The next step will be to go for a few more visits with him. If we don't get to meet him on Monday, then our first visit will be in the home he lives in now for a few hours. The next visit, probably the following weekend, we will take him out somewhere for a few hours. The case worker said there is no reason why he shouldn't be living with us perrmanently by the end of February. Since he is so young, she said it should move pretty quickly.
     This however is not the best news of the day. Yesterday evening, Megan called me and said that we received a picture of our son in the mail!!!!!! He is so beautiful with his big eyes and blonde hair!!! That picture solidified, to me at least, that we were actually going to be parents!!! We can't wait for Monday and hopefully will be able to see our son!
     We want to say a big thank you to a very special couple that we know for opening their home to us this coming Sunday so that we can be well rested for Monday. We can't say who it is because that would be saying where Owen is from. We will have quit a lot driving to do over the next few weeks and months, but are thankful to be able to spend some time with friends we don't usually get to see!
     We will keep you all informed as the process seems to be moving quicker now. Thank you all for the prayers and thoughts through the process. Can't wait till everything is finalized and we can show everyone pictures of our beautiful son!!!


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