Wednesday, January 22, 2014

More placement calls...

Over the last few weeks since our last post, we have gotten a lot more calls asking us to take placements. Most of the time we have said yes but the county has always chosen another family to take the children. This has been such an emotional roller coaster! We started trying to have a baby three years ago in January. We never imagined it would take us this long. Over the past three years, God has revealed a lot to me. Patience, understanding, reliance on Him, but the biggest one was just to trust in his timing. There were many times that we said to each other, "Thank goodness we don't have kids yet," whether it was because of something good or bad. God already knows what will happen in our lives and when the events will take place. He has the perfect timing for every event that will take place. We just have to wait and trust that He will be faithful. I say this like it's an easy thing to do, but when you are waiting for something that you want so badly, it's hard to wait patiently, especially for such a long time. God never wastes an opportunity, though. He is always able to take something bad and use it for His glory. Even though it has been a hard road with a lot of bumps and bruises along the way, God has used it for good. Not only has He used it to teach me the things I already mentioned, He used it to give us more time for just us. Time to spend together, time to sleep (since this doesn't happen after children), time to loose weight, time to get our finances more in order, time to strengthen our marriage, and time to strengthen my relationship with Him. I'd like to say that I'm glad it has taken so long to grow our family but I can't. Sure, I wish we could have had children by now, but I'm so glad that God knows what is best for us instead of just giving in and giving us what we want, when we want it. Just like parents have to say "no" or "not right now" to their children sometimes, our Heavenly Father has to do the same to us. But it is so great when He finally says "Yes my child. You have prayed about this for so long and have been faithful to me, so now is the time. I give you what you have been asking for, for such a long time." For us, that time is finally here! God finally said yes to us on Thursday, January 16th, 2014 at 5:47 pm.

"I prayed for this child and the Lord has granted me what I asked of Him."
1 Samuel 1:27
Our new son is 18 months old. We aren't allowed to say what his name is on the internet, but it is the same as one of our family members. To avoid any confusion, and since he is so young, we are going to be changing it to the name we had chosen for our biological son, which is Owen Grady Fisher. Todd's middle name is Owen and we both really liked Grady as a middle name. This placement is not foster to adopt, it is an adoption placement right away. He has to live with us for 6 months before the adoption can be finalized but he is ours for sure!! We haven't met him yet but we can't wait! Ever since we got the news, I have been nesting like crazy! We have received a ton of boy clothes over the last few months so I separated all the 18 month clothes, rewashed them, and got them all hung up. The closet is all organized and ready to go. It is full of clothes! I thought we were going to have to buy more, but for this size, we are all set, other then shoes. I'm not sure what size he will need so we will have to wait till he gets here for that. I finally get to use my diaper bag that I bought almost three years ago, too! I'm so excited to add this new little person to our family! It has been a long journey, with so many tears along the way, but it will finally be worth it when I hear him call me "Mommy" for the first time!

We will continue to keep everyone updated on the process as we go along. This won't be our only child so we will be going through this again! We appreciate all the prayers that were sent up on our behalf. I would like to ask for prayers, now, as well. Please pray that Owen will adjust well to us and to his new environment, and that we will adjust well to being parents. Also pray that the adoption process for the next 6 months will go smoothly!

Thank you all in advance!!


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